Wednesday, November 21, 2018


Public Speaking
By Wan MuhdIkram

Assalammualaikum and a very good morning to our director of IKMKL, Haji Noorzainee Shah Bin Ibrahim, Deputy of student Affairs, Encik Adnan Bin Jamaluddin, Deputy of Academic Affairs Pn. RosuaniBintiMohdRosdi, Head of Department, Head of Programme, teachers and all my friends. My name is Wan MuhdIkram Bin Wan Rayfuddin.

Today I am going to talk about using drugs for medical purpose. The line between recreational drugs and doctor-approved medicine has never been clear-cut. In the past decade alone there's been no shortage of studies looking into the potential medicinal benefits that several illegal drugs can offer. These drugs are largely illegal to prevent susceptible people from self-harm and drug abuse, and while debate rages over legalisation of various substances, some researchers are looking into ways these substances could be harnessed for good.Below are seven illegal drugs that are known or have been investigated for medical benefits, for example treating hard-to-treat mental illnesses and chronic disorders.
Well one of these drugs are cocaine. Cocaine might be a well-known stimulant, but studies show this drug has long been used as a topical anaesthetic. Cocaine is also used as a treatment for irritable bowel disease and other intestinal dysfunctions. Most famous, however, is cocaine's ability to alleviate headaches.
Secondly, heroin is an opioid drug made from morphine, a natural substance taken from the seed pod of the various opium poppy plants grown in Southeast and Southwest Asia, Mexico, and Colombia. Heroin enters the brain rapidly and binds to opioid receptors on cell located in many areas, especially those involved in feelings of pain and pleasure and in controlling heart rate, sleeping, and breathing.
Other drugs are Ketamine, also known as 'Special K', this drug is commonly used as a horse tranquiliser. It's also a frequent option for recreational drug takers at music festivals and raves. But a 2012 study found ketamine could in fact fight the symptoms of chronic depression. The study claims the drug aids the growth of brain synapses, a neurological structure which allows chemical signals to pass more easily and effectively throughout your nervous system, making a person more reactive to the world around them.
That’s all for today, thank you for listening and I hope you can learn from the speech that drug can also use to cure people if it is use properly.

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