Sunday, November 25, 2018


Hello, this topic is about my experience in my first semester in college.
My first time coming to IKMKL to register for my college it's feel awkward because i didn't knew anyone there. After that, hearing the principal giving some speech, well for me it's annoying but it's a good advice tho. Well i meet new friends and dorm we all are about to share it's a new experience for me. It's very exciting and fun to be able to meet them and talk about themselves, what they like, what they feel when they got admitted to IKMKL, some of them felt it's a good opportunity to gain new experience and to explore new places they never get the chance to go, while the others hate it because they choose other places but they got it at KL, but it work out in the end.
Well that's all that matters to me, i hope you enjoy reading what i experienced and my feelings on this.

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