Sunday, November 25, 2018


Hello, this topic is about my experience in my first semester in college.
My first time coming to IKMKL to register for my college it's feel awkward because i didn't knew anyone there. After that, hearing the principal giving some speech, well for me it's annoying but it's a good advice tho. Well i meet new friends and dorm we all are about to share it's a new experience for me. It's very exciting and fun to be able to meet them and talk about themselves, what they like, what they feel when they got admitted to IKMKL, some of them felt it's a good opportunity to gain new experience and to explore new places they never get the chance to go, while the others hate it because they choose other places but they got it at KL, but it work out in the end.
Well that's all that matters to me, i hope you enjoy reading what i experienced and my feelings on this.

Movie Review

Hi Guys, today i would like to show what my Lecturer asked me to do for my assignment, it's review the movie of my choosing. The movie that i choose is Mulan (1998).

You guys can watch it from the link here :

Sports Day

Hey guy, i would like to share my photos on sports day

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Song Interprating

Today activities is Song Interprating. I need to know the meaning of the lyrics of a song that i choose. The song that i choose is Evil Presley - Can't Help Falling In love.

Meaning of The Song:

People say love is where fools tread and it’s a sin.But lover says, it may be but I can’t help falling in love.It’s as natural as the river flows into the sea.That’s where it belongs to. The love has to happen,it has happened I have fallen in love with you, I couldn’t help..He says to lady love ,take my hand -means-accept my love- and I am offering you my entire life to you.The love is such a thing one is ready to give his life to her.

Cabin Camp Activities

Hi today i would like to share my first experience on Cabin Camp activities for my college life. This is the first time my college did this kind of activities for my course

All About My Self

Hi today i would like to share about my self. My name is Wan Muhammad Ikram. I'm 19 years old and this is my first year in college. My Course is Diploma Kompetensi Elektrik (PW4). I have 4 people in my family including me, that is my father, my mother, my brother and me. I  like to drink teh ais, teh o ais limau and milo ais. For Food is nasi ayam and chicken chop. My hobbie is to play badminton and hoki. My ambition is to be rich to so that i can help my family and so that i can travel around to the world to see new people and culture.

SIlent Letter

I Learn new thing, that is silent letter. It help me improve my english speaking.

I will share a video about this subject.

Language Form & Functions - To Clasification

Today i learned about forms and functions. Even though i already learned it during school. I totally forgot about that. Now, I already know how to use certain expression to show its function such as to clarify. I did this with my patner his name is Hamizan.

Ikram as a Math Teacher
Hamizan as a Student

Start of conversation:
Hamizan: Hi teacher.
Teacher: Hello, Mizan what can i help you with?
Hamizan: I can't understand the topic you teach me this morning.
Teacher: Which one?
Hamizan: The topic on how to Plus & Minus numbers.
Teacher: Well it is easy if you mastered on how to time such as 2+2=4. It's simple all you have to do
               do the opposite for minus such as 2-2=0.
Hamizan: Well i know about that, it's just hard to do the exercise such as 2+5-2+10=?
Teacher: You have to that step by step such as do 2+5=7, then you do 7-2=5, after that 5+10=15.
               Mizan you need to the step to make it easier to understand.
Hamizan: Oh okay thank you teacher.
Teacher: Well if you want to improve, now that you know you should do more excercise on this                         topic to make sure you mastered this topic.
Hamizan: Okay, good bye teacher.
Teacher: Your Welcome, be safe on the way back home.

Interprating Pictures

Today's activities i need to form a dialogbase on the picture given by my teacher. Me and my patner need to do a role play base on the situation. Enjoy my dialog.

Mizan:Hi Sir, I would like to loan money from you.
Me: Hello there, so you want to load money
       from me much?
Mizan: I  like loan around RM3000.
Me:Sure,but you would  have to pay in interest
       10% more in 3 month.
Mizan: Okay, I will see you 3 month later. Good Bye
                                                      Me:Good bye to you too, enjoy the money.

Add caption
Ikram:Hey Zani, it has been a  long time seen i last see you
Zani: Hi Ikram, it's nice to see you too.
Ikram: How have you been?
Zani:I've been about you?
Ikram: Good. After finish studying did you achieve your dream to
            be a journelist.
Zani:Yes, i did. It make all the hardwork i did payoff.
Ikram:I know that feeling, It feels good. Well it's been good 
           meeting you but i have to get going i am late for work.
Zani:Okay, i will see you later, bye bye.
Ikram:Good bye Zani, see ya


Today i learned a new thing. I learned about diphthong. This is very important for me to speak English.

I will share a video explaining about these topics                                                           


Public Speaking
By Wan MuhdIkram

Assalammualaikum and a very good morning to our director of IKMKL, Haji Noorzainee Shah Bin Ibrahim, Deputy of student Affairs, Encik Adnan Bin Jamaluddin, Deputy of Academic Affairs Pn. RosuaniBintiMohdRosdi, Head of Department, Head of Programme, teachers and all my friends. My name is Wan MuhdIkram Bin Wan Rayfuddin.

Today I am going to talk about using drugs for medical purpose. The line between recreational drugs and doctor-approved medicine has never been clear-cut. In the past decade alone there's been no shortage of studies looking into the potential medicinal benefits that several illegal drugs can offer. These drugs are largely illegal to prevent susceptible people from self-harm and drug abuse, and while debate rages over legalisation of various substances, some researchers are looking into ways these substances could be harnessed for good.Below are seven illegal drugs that are known or have been investigated for medical benefits, for example treating hard-to-treat mental illnesses and chronic disorders.
Well one of these drugs are cocaine. Cocaine might be a well-known stimulant, but studies show this drug has long been used as a topical anaesthetic. Cocaine is also used as a treatment for irritable bowel disease and other intestinal dysfunctions. Most famous, however, is cocaine's ability to alleviate headaches.
Secondly, heroin is an opioid drug made from morphine, a natural substance taken from the seed pod of the various opium poppy plants grown in Southeast and Southwest Asia, Mexico, and Colombia. Heroin enters the brain rapidly and binds to opioid receptors on cell located in many areas, especially those involved in feelings of pain and pleasure and in controlling heart rate, sleeping, and breathing.
Other drugs are Ketamine, also known as 'Special K', this drug is commonly used as a horse tranquiliser. It's also a frequent option for recreational drug takers at music festivals and raves. But a 2012 study found ketamine could in fact fight the symptoms of chronic depression. The study claims the drug aids the growth of brain synapses, a neurological structure which allows chemical signals to pass more easily and effectively throughout your nervous system, making a person more reactive to the world around them.
That’s all for today, thank you for listening and I hope you can learn from the speech that drug can also use to cure people if it is use properly.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Video All About Me

This is my first attempt to create my own video. In the video i need to tell about me and my family. It's quite a challenge for me since it is the first time for me to create a video on my own.