Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Safety At Workplace

  • The most important concept to remember is that you are responsible for your own safety and the safety of others. Most safety practices are common sense. Unfortunately, they can be forgotten or overlooked unless you make safe practices a habit or an instinct.
  • By doing things right, you and your co-workers will commit yourselves to safety on the job and everyone will benefit. Accidents occur in many ways but most often can be traced back to one of two basic factors: ignorance or carelessness. You must always be concerned with your own safety and with the safety of others around you.
  • Safety in the workplace results in fewer accidents, which results in fewer costs for worker’s compensation, less down time for employees, and less retraining time for workers otherwise needed to replace an injured worker. Avoiding damage to equipment will result in fewer repair costs. Worker performance is improved when workers know how to prevent injuries and have confidence in management's active role in protecting their safety.
  • Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) must be available to anyone who comes in contact with a potential work safety hazard. This can include hard hats, protective eyewear, earplugs, shoes, gloves and clothing. Even an office worker who delivers a message to a work area near a potential safety hazard must put on the appropriate PPE.

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